How was Roman society changed by the spread of Christianity?(1 point) 1.Christianity became the new major religion of the empire. 2.Different languages emerged from the spread of Christianity. 3.Roman society merged their polytheistic beliefs with Christianity. 4.The persecution of Christians increased following the Edict of Milan.

1. Christianity became the new major religion of the empire.

The correct answer is option 1: Christianity became the new major religion of the empire.

To understand why this occurred, we need to examine the historical context. During the early years of the Roman Empire, Christianity began as a small religious movement within the wider population. However, as it gained followers and spread throughout the empire, it gradually started to influence Roman society in significant ways, leading to its transformation.

One crucial factor that contributed to the change was the conversion of Emperor Constantine to Christianity. In 313 AD, Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which granted religious tolerance to Christians within the Roman Empire. This edict marked a turning point by ending the persecution of Christians and allowing them to worship freely.

With an influential figure like the Roman Emperor embracing Christianity, it gained credibility and attracted more followers. Subsequently, as more people converted to Christianity, its influence increased, eventually becoming the dominant religion of the empire.

The widespread acceptance of Christianity led to various societal changes. The traditional polytheistic Roman beliefs gradually declined, as people started abandoning the worship of multiple gods in favor of the monotheistic Christian belief in one God. This shift in religious beliefs had a significant impact on the worship practices, rituals, and values of Roman society.

Furthermore, as Christianity became the major religion, it started to shape the moral and ethical standards of the Roman Empire. Christian principles, such as love, compassion, and forgiveness, began to influence laws and social norms, which in turn affected the behavior and attitudes of individuals within Roman society.

In summary, the spread of Christianity resulted in significant changes in Roman society, with the religion eventually becoming the new major faith within the empire. These changes included the decline of traditional polytheistic beliefs, the adoption of Christian values, and the gradual transformation of laws and social norms.

The correct answer is:

1. Christianity became the new major religion of the empire.

With the spread of Christianity, it gradually became the dominant religion in the Roman Empire. This had a significant impact on Roman society, as it led to the conversion of many Romans to Christianity, resulting in a shift of religious beliefs and practices.