How was Roman society changed by the spread of Christianity? (1 point)

A) Different languages emerged from the spread of Christianity.
B)The persecution of Christians increased following the Edict of Milan.
C)Roman society merged their polytheistic beliefs with Christianity.
D)Christianity became the new major religion of the empire.

D) Christianity became the new major religion of the empire.

D) Christianity became the new major religion of the empire.

The answer is D) Christianity became the new major religion of the empire.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the historical context of Roman society during the spread of Christianity.

1. First, Christianity started as a relatively small religious movement within the Roman Empire. It emerged in the 1st century CE and gradually gained followers over the next few centuries.

2. Initially, Christians faced persecution from the Roman authorities. This persecution increased following the Great Fire of Rome in 64 CE, as Emperor Nero blamed Christians for the fire. Subsequent emperors continued to persecute Christians sporadically until the early 4th century.

3. However, in 313 CE, Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which granted religious tolerance to Christianity and ended the persecution of Christians. This was a significant turning point for the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire.

4. From the 4th century onwards, Christianity gradually gained acceptance and support from Roman emperors. Emperor Constantine himself converted to Christianity, and subsequent emperors and influential figures in the Roman society embraced the new religion.

5. The spread of Christianity had a profound impact on Roman society. As more people converted, Christianity gradually replaced the traditional Roman polytheistic beliefs as the dominant religion of the empire.

6. The Christian Church grew in influence and power, establishing its hierarchy and becoming an integral part of Roman society. Bishops and priests held important positions, and the Church's teachings and values began to shape Roman law, morality, and social norms.

Therefore, the correct answer is D) Christianity became the new major religion of the empire. The spread of Christianity not only resulted in the dominance of a new religious belief system but also influenced and transformed various aspects of Roman society.