A) How was Roman society changed by the spread of Christianity? (1 point)

• Different languages emerged from the spread of Christianity.
The persecution of Christians increased following the Edict of Milan.
• Roman society merged their polytheistic beliefs with Christianity.
Christianity became the new major religion of the empire.

C) Roman society merged their polytheistic beliefs with Christianity.

D) Christianity became the new major religion of the empire.

The spread of Christianity had several impacts on Roman society:

1. Different languages emerged from the spread of Christianity: The spread of Christianity led to the translation of religious texts, such as the Bible, into different languages. This helped in the dissemination of Christian teachings and contributed to the development and diversification of languages.

2. Increased persecution of Christians following the Edict of Milan: The Edict of Milan in 313 CE, issued by Emperor Constantine, granted tolerance to Christianity and ended the persecution of Christians. However, the Edict did not completely eliminate the persecution, and in some cases, it even increased. Some emperors, such as Diocletian, continued to enforce anti-Christian policies, resulting in sporadic periods of persecution.

3. Merging of polytheistic beliefs with Christianity: As Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire, some individuals and communities attempted to integrate their existing polytheistic beliefs with Christian teachings. This resulted in the development of syncretic religious practices that blended elements of both Christianity and traditional Roman polytheism.

4. Christianity becoming the new major religion of the empire: Over time, Christianity gained more followers and became increasingly influential within Roman society. The conversion of Emperor Constantine to Christianity and the subsequent establishment of Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire in the 4th century CE marked a significant turning point. From that point forward, Christianity replaced paganism as the dominant religion in the empire.

Overall, the spread of Christianity brought about significant changes in Roman society, including the emergence of different languages, increased persecution of Christians, the merging of polytheistic beliefs with Christianity, and the eventual dominance of Christianity as the major religion of the empire.

To answer this question, we need to understand the historical context of the spread of Christianity in Roman society. The rise of Christianity had a significant impact on Roman society, leading to several changes.

Firstly, the emergence of different languages cannot be attributed to the spread of Christianity. It is likely that this statement is incorrect or unrelated to the question. Christianity itself did not directly cause the emergence of different languages in Roman society.

Secondly, the persecution of Christians did occur in the Roman Empire, particularly before the Edict of Milan in 313 CE. This edict, issued by Emperor Constantine, granted religious tolerance to Christians and effectively put an end to their persecution. The Edict of Milan brought about a change in Roman society by reducing the persecution of Christians.

Thirdly, the notion that Roman society merged their polytheistic beliefs with Christianity is not entirely accurate. Initially, Christianity was seen as a separate and rival religion to polytheistic Roman beliefs. However, over time, there was some integration of Christian and pagan practices, resulting in a blending of religious traditions. This process, known as syncretism, occurred to some extent in Roman society.

Lastly, the spread of Christianity eventually led to it becoming the dominant religion of the Roman Empire. While it took several centuries for Christianity to fully replace traditional Roman polytheism, it gained followers and influence among various social classes. By the end of the 4th century CE, Christianity had become the official religion of the Roman Empire under Emperor Theodosius I.

In summary, the spread of Christianity in Roman society resulted in the reduction of Christian persecution, some merging of Christian and pagan practices, and eventually the establishment of Christianity as the major religion of the empire.