The radius of a hydrogen atom is 0.00000000529177 of a millimeter. Express this number as an approximation.

1. 0.00000005
2. 0.0000005
3. 0.0000000053
4. 0.00000006

The correct approximate expression for the radius of a hydrogen atom is 0.0000000053

To express the given number as an approximation, we need to round it to a certain number of significant figures.

The number 0.00000000529177 has 3 significant figures (5, 2, 9).

Therefore, the answer is (3) 0.0000000053.

To express the given radius as an approximation, we need to determine which choice is the closest approximation.

The given radius is 0.00000000529177 millimeters.

Looking at the choices:

1. 0.00000005
2. 0.0000005
3. 0.0000000053
4. 0.00000006

We can eliminate choices 1 and 2 immediately because they are much larger than the given radius.

Now, we need to compare the remaining options (choices 3 and 4).

Choice 3 (0.0000000053) is the closest approximation to the given radius.

Therefore, the correct answer is 3. 0.0000000053.