The radius of a hydrogen atom is 0.0000000529177 of a millimeter. Express this number as an approximation.(1 point)

To express this number as an approximation, we can round it to a convenient number of significant figures.

Rounding to four significant figures, the radius of a hydrogen atom is approximately 0.000000053 mm.

How many times is 4 × 10^4 larger than 2 × 10^2?(1 point)

To determine how many times one number is larger than another, we divide the larger number by the smaller number.

In this case, 4 x 10^4 is the larger number and 2 x 10^2 is the smaller number.

Dividing the larger number by the smaller number:

(4 x 10^4) / (2 x 10^2) = 2 x 10^2

So, 4 x 10^4 is 200 times larger than 2 x 10^2.

To express the given radius as an approximation, we can round the number to a suitable decimal place.

The given radius of a hydrogen atom is 0.0000000529177 millimeters.

Rounding to 7 decimal places, the approximation of the radius is approximately 0.0000001 millimeters.

To express the given number as an approximation, we can round it to a more manageable number of decimal places.

The given radius of a hydrogen atom is 0.0000000529177 of a millimeter.

To round this number, we look at the digit immediately after the desired decimal place. In this case, we want to round to a reasonable number of decimal places, so we can look at the fifth decimal place digit, which is 7.

If the digit after the desired decimal place is 5 or greater, we round up the preceding digit. If it is less than 5, we leave the preceding digit as is.

In our case, the digit after the fifth decimal place is 7, which is greater than 5. Therefore, we round up the preceding digit, which is 9.

Thus, an approximation of the given radius of a hydrogen atom is approximately 0.000000053 millimeters.