The radius of a hydrogen atom is 0.0000000529177 of a millimeter. Express this number as an approximation. (1 point)

• 0.00000006
O 0.00000005
O 0.0000005
© 0.0000000053

The correct approximation for the radius of a hydrogen atom is 0.0000000053.

To express the given number, 0.0000000529177, as an approximation, we compare it to the nearest options.

Comparing the given number to the options:
- 0.00000006: The given number is less than this option.
- 0.00000005: The given number is greater than this option.
- 0.0000005: The given number is greater than this option.
- 0.0000000053: The given number is equal to this option.

Therefore, the approximate expression for the given number is 0.0000000053.

To express the given radius of a hydrogen atom, 0.0000000529177 millimeters, as an approximation, you need to round the number to the nearest option.

In this case, the nearest option is 0.00000005. Therefore, the appropriate approximation of the given radius is 0.00000005 millimeters.