Dog runs 200 miles in 4 days write an equation to find miles in 14 days

We can set up a proportion to find the miles the dog would run in 14 days.

Let "x" represent the miles the dog would run in 14 days.

Using the given information, we have the proportion:

200 miles / 4 days = x miles / 14 days.

To solve for "x", we can cross-multiply and solve for "x":

4 * x = 200 * 14.

Simplifying the equation:

4x = 2800,

Now, we divide both sides of the equation by 4 to isolate "x":

4x / 4 = 2800 / 4,

x = 700.

Therefore, the equation to find the miles the dog would run in 14 days is x = 700 miles.

To write an equation to find the number of miles a dog runs in 14 days, we can use the concept of proportionality. We know that the distance the dog runs is directly proportional to the number of days.

Let's define "m" as the number of miles the dog runs in 14 days. According to the given information, the dog runs 200 miles in 4 days. Therefore, the ratio of miles to days is constant:

200 miles / 4 days = m miles / 14 days

To find the value of "m", we can cross-multiply and solve for "m":

4 * m = 200 * 14

4m = 2800

Finally, dividing both sides of the equation by 4 gives:

m = 700

Therefore, the equation to find the number of miles the dog runs in 14 days is:

m = 700 miles.

To find the number of miles a dog will run in 14 days based on the information given, we can set up a proportion.

Let's assume that the dog runs at a constant rate.

We know that the dog ran 200 miles in 4 days, so we can write the equation:

miles/4 days = 200 miles/4 days

Now, we need to find out how many miles the dog will run in 14 days. We can set up the proportion:

miles/14 days = 200 miles/4 days

To solve this equation, we can cross-multiply:

4 * miles = 14 * 200 miles

4miles = 2800 miles

To isolate the "miles" variable, we divide both sides of the equation by 4:

miles = 2800 miles / 4

miles = 700 miles

Therefore, the equation to find the number of miles a dog will run in 14 days is:

miles = 700 miles.