How was Roman society changed by the spread of Christianity? (1 point)

Different languages emerged from the spread of Christianity
Roman society merged its polytheistic beliefs with Christianity
Christianity became the new major religion of the empire
The persecution of Christians increased following the Edict of Milan

The correct answer is: Christianity became the new major religion of the empire.

The correct answer is:

Christianity became the new major religion of the empire.

To find the answer to this question, you can start by searching for information about the spread of Christianity in Roman society. One way to do this is to use a search engine and enter keywords such as "spread of Christianity in Roman society" or "impact of Christianity on Roman society."

As you search, you will find that one of the major changes in Roman society due to the spread of Christianity is that Christianity became the new major religion of the empire. This is a significant transformation because Rome had a polytheistic belief system before the emergence of Christianity. As Christianity grew in popularity, it gradually supplanted the traditional Roman beliefs and practices.

Another important change brought about by the spread of Christianity was the persecution of Christians. Initially, Christians faced persecution from the Roman authorities due to their refusal to worship the traditional Roman gods. However, the persecution decreased after the Edict of Milan in 313 AD, which granted religious freedom to Christians in the Roman Empire.

In summary, the correct answer to the question "How was Roman society changed by the spread of Christianity?" is:

- Christianity became the new major religion of the empire
- The persecution of Christians increased following the Edict of Milan

Which event led to Emperor Nero persecuting the Christians?(1 point)


the crucifixion of Jesus

the Edict of Milan

the Great Fire of Rome

the Council of Nicaea