Which of the following is the difference between a topic and a central idea?(1 point)


A central idea is the subject, while the topic is what the writer thinks about the central idea after research.
A central idea is the subject, while the topic is what the writer thinks about the central idea after research.

A central idea includes supporting details about the topic.
A central idea includes supporting details about the topic.

A topic is the subject, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research.
A topic is the subject, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research.

A topic introduces a central idea.

A topic introduces a central idea.

The difference between a topic and a central idea is that a topic is the subject itself, while the central idea is what the writer thinks or concludes about the topic after conducting research. Additionally, a central idea may include supporting details about the topic.

To determine the difference between a topic and a central idea, we need to understand their definitions and roles in writing.

A topic refers to the general subject or theme of a piece of writing. It is the main idea or concept that the writer wants to discuss. For example, if the topic is "climate change," the writer will focus their writing on discussing various aspects related to climate change.

On the other hand, a central idea is the writer's specific point of view or main message about the topic. It is the writer's interpretation, opinion, or analysis of the topic based on their research and understanding. The central idea provides a specific focus or direction to the writing.

So, to answer the question, the correct response is:

A topic is the subject, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research.

In this response, it is clearly stated that a topic is the subject or theme of the writing, whereas the central idea is the writer's viewpoint or interpretation of that topic after conducting research.