Identify the parts of this sentence.

The Chinese New Year is an important traditional holiday in China.

What is the subject of the sentence?

What is the complete predicate of the sentence?

The subject of the sentence is "The Chinese New Year".

The complete predicate of the sentence is "is an important traditional holiday in China".

Subject: The Chinese New Year

Complete Predicate: is an important traditional holiday in China.

To identify the parts of the sentence, we can analyze its structure:

"The Chinese New Year is an important traditional holiday in China."

In this sentence, the subject is "The Chinese New Year." The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action or possesses the attribute described by the verb.

The complete predicate of the sentence is "is an important traditional holiday in China." The complete predicate includes the verb and all the words that modify or complete its meaning.

By analyzing the sentence, we can identify the subject and complete predicate to answer your questions.