Use the sentence to answer the question. Every year on Thanksgiving Day, we ate turkey dinner and then go to the holiday parade.

Which is the best way to correct the error in this sentence?

The error in this sentence is the verb tense inconsistency. It starts with the past tense verb "ate" and then switches to the present tense verb "go". To correct this, we need to make both verbs agree in tense.

Option 1: Every year on Thanksgiving Day, we ate turkey dinner and then went to the holiday parade.
Option 2: Every year on Thanksgiving Day, we eat turkey dinner and then go to the holiday parade.

Both options correct the error by ensuring the verb tense is consistent. Option 1 uses the past tense "went" to match the verb "ate", while option 2 uses the present tense "eat" to match the present tense "go". The choice between the two depends on whether the action is still ongoing or if it's a past event being referred to.