What item is missing from this list of the 7Ps: product, price, promotion, place, process, and physical evidence?

(1 point)








The missing item from the list of the 7Ps is "people."

To determine what item is missing from the list of the 7Ps, we need to analyze each option and compare it to the original list.

1. Performance: This option is not included in the original list of the 7Ps. However, it can be considered as an additional dimension in marketing that focuses on the quality and effectiveness of a product or service.

2. Platform: This option is not included in the original list of the 7Ps. A platform refers to the medium or technology used to deliver a product or service, and it is not explicitly covered in the original 7Ps framework.

3. People: This option is included in the original list of the 7Ps. People represent the individuals who are involved in the creation, delivery, and consumption of a product or service. This aspect emphasizes the importance of customer interactions, employee training, and customer service.

4. Paradigm: This option is not included in the original list of the 7Ps. A paradigm refers to a perspective or framework for understanding and approaching a given subject matter. While it can be relevant in business and marketing, it is not part of the 7Ps framework.

Based on this analysis, the missing item from the list of 7Ps is "Platform." The correct answer is:

- Platform

The missing item from the list of the 7Ps is people.