Maria and Lydia are 15-year-old high school students. Maria thinks that Lydia has been abusing alcohol. What should Maria do in this situation?

(1 point)

She should respect Lydia’s privacy and leave her alone.

She should respect Lydia’s privacy and leave her alone.

She should talk to a school counselor about her concerns.

She should talk to a school counselor about her concerns.

She should ask for support by contacting the RAINN hotline.

She should ask for support by contacting the RAINN hotline.

She should secretly remove all alcohol from Lydia’s

possessions to stop her from using it.

She should talk to a trusted adult, such as a teacher or parent, about her concerns.

In this situation, Maria is concerned about her friend Lydia potentially abusing alcohol. It is important for Maria to take the appropriate steps to address this issue and help her friend. Here are the possible responses and their explanations:

1. She should respect Lydia’s privacy and leave her alone.
While it is important to respect privacy, if Maria genuinely believes that Lydia may be abusing alcohol, simply leaving her alone might not be the best course of action. Ignoring the situation could potentially put Lydia at risk if her alcohol consumption is indeed problematic.

2. She should talk to a school counselor about her concerns.
Talking to a school counselor is a good option for Maria. School counselors are trained professionals who can provide guidance and support for students dealing with various issues, including substance abuse. They can offer advice on how to approach the situation and may be able to provide further resources or intervention.

3. She should ask for support by contacting the RAINN hotline.
The RAINN hotline is primarily focused on providing support for survivors of sexual assault and abuse. While it is an important resource, it may not be the most suitable option for Maria in this particular situation.

4. She should secretly remove all alcohol from Lydia’s possession.
Secretly removing the alcohol from Lydia's possession might not address the underlying issue of potential alcohol abuse. It is important to approach the situation with open communication and understanding rather than taking matters into one's own hands. Intervention should be done in a respectful and supportive manner.

In summary, the best course of action for Maria in this situation would be to talk to a school counselor about her concerns. They can provide guidance, support, and potentially connect Maria with additional resources to effectively address the situation.

She should talk to a school counselor about her concerns.