Maria and Lydia are 15-year-old high school students. Maria thinks that Lydia has been abusing alcohol. What should Maria do in this situation? (1 point) Responses

She should respect Lydia’s privacy and leave her alone. She should respect Lydia’s privacy and leave her alone.

She should talk to a school counselor about her concerns. She should talk to a school counselor about her concerns.

She should ask for support by contacting the RAINN hotline. She should ask for support by contacting the RAINN hotline.

She should secretly remove all alcohol from Lydia’s house.

She should talk to a school counselor about her concerns.

Maria should talk to a school counselor about her concerns.

In this situation, Maria is concerned about Lydia's potential alcohol abuse. It's important for Maria to approach this situation responsibly and seek appropriate guidance. The best course of action for Maria would be to talk to a school counselor about her concerns.

This option is preferable because school counselors are trained professionals who can provide advice and assistance in handling such situations. They can offer guidance on how to address the issue appropriately and connect Maria with the necessary resources or support networks. By involving a trusted adult, like a school counselor, Maria is more likely to receive the help and guidance she needs to address the situation effectively.