Providing Graphics Quick Check

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Maria is writing an informational text about the history of her town. She wants to show readers the way her school playground looked twenty years ago. Which graphic would be the best for Maria to use?(1 point)






In order to show readers the way her school playground looked twenty years ago, the best graphic for Maria to use would be a photograph.

To determine which graphic would be the best for Maria to use in her informational text about the history of her town, we can analyze the options presented:

1. Photograph: A photograph would be an excellent choice as it provides a visual representation of how the school playground looked twenty years ago. It allows readers to see the actual appearance and details of the playground during that time.

2. Flowchart: A flowchart is a graphical representation of a process or a sequence of steps. However, it may not be the best choice for showing the physical appearance of a school playground.

3. Graph: A graph is a visual representation of data and can be used to compare and analyze numerical information. However, it may not be suitable for depicting the physical layout and appearance of the school playground.

4. Timeline: A timeline shows a chronological order of events or milestones. While it might be useful for highlighting specific historical events in the town's history, it may not effectively showcase the visual changes in the school playground.

Based on the context given, the best option for Maria to use would be a photograph. It allows readers to visualize the appearance of the school playground twenty years ago.