Providing Graphics Quick Check

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What can a writer do to connect a photo to the text?(1 point)

Provide a video about the same topic.
Provide a video about the same topic.

Put information about the photo in a graphic organizer.
Put information about the photo in a graphic organizer.

Add additional photos to it.
Add additional photos to it.

Include a caption describing the image.

Include a caption describing the image.

A writer can connect a photo to the text by including a caption describing the image.

To connect a photo to the text, a writer can include a caption describing the image. This will provide context and help the reader understand the relevance of the photo in relation to the text. Including a caption allows the writer to share information or highlight key details about the photo that are not evident just by looking at it.

To add a caption to a photo, follow these steps:
1. Identify the photo you want to connect to the text.
2. Decide on the key information or details you want to share about the photo.
3. Write a concise and informative caption that describes the photo and its connection to the text.
4. Place the caption below or beside the photo, making sure it is clearly associated with the specific image.

By incorporating a caption, the writer ensures that the photo and the text are linked together, enhancing the overall understanding and impact of the content.