At the end of The Call of the Wild, Buck could be described as a carnivorous fiend. What does this mean?

a friendly meat-eater

a meat-eating devil

a romping beast

a meat-eating devil

The phrase "carnivorous fiend" is used to describe Buck at the end of The Call of the Wild, and it denotes a meat-eating devil. This suggests that Buck has fully embraced his primal instincts and transformation into a wild creature. He has become fierce and ruthless in his pursuit of survival in the harsh wilderness.

The phrase "carnivorous fiend" suggests that Buck has fully embraced his primal nature and has become a fierce, relentless meat-eater. To understand the meaning of this phrase, we can break it down into its individual words:

1. Carnivorous: This refers to an animal that primarily consumes meat. In the context of Buck, it means that he has developed a strong preference for hunting and devouring meat.

2. Fiend: This word suggests a creature that is demonic, evil, or wicked. In the case of Buck, it portrays him as a predator with an insatiable hunger for flesh, driven purely by animalistic instincts.

Therefore, when Buck is described as a "carnivorous fiend," it means that he has transformed into a menacing and merciless creature, fully embracing his wild nature and exhibiting fierce, predatory behavior.