Derrick wants to try a new workout, but he doesn’t want to get injured. What is the BEST thing for Derrick to do to decrease his chance of injury?

(1 point)

Do the new activity on his own.

Do the new activity on his own.

Start with high intensity and lower it gradually.

Start with high intensity and lower it gradually.

Save any stretching for after the workout.

Save any stretching for after the workout.

Learn the basics of proper form.

Learn the basics of proper form.

The BEST thing for Derrick to do to decrease his chance of injury is to learn the basics of proper form.

To decrease the chance of injury while trying a new workout, the best thing for Derrick to do is to learn the basics of proper form. Understanding and practicing proper form is crucial for performing exercises correctly and safely. Here's how Derrick can learn the basics of proper form:

1. Research: Start by researching the specific exercise or workout he wants to try. Look for reliable sources such as fitness websites, books, or videos that provide detailed instructions and demonstrations of proper form.

2. Seek professional guidance: If possible, Derrick should consider working with a certified personal trainer or fitness professional who can teach him the correct technique. They can provide personalized instruction and make any necessary corrections to his form.

3. Start with lighter weights or lower intensity: When starting a new workout, especially one involving weights, it's important to begin with lighter weights or lower intensity. This allows Derrick to focus on maintaining proper form without compromising his technique due to fatigue or excessive load.

4. Use mirrors or video recordings: Derrick can set up mirrors or use a smartphone or camera to record himself while performing the exercise. This allows him to visually assess his form and make adjustments as needed.

5. Practice gradually: Instead of jumping straight into the full workout or exercise, Derrick should start with simpler variations or modifications. He can gradually progress by increasing difficulty or intensity as he becomes more comfortable and confident with proper form.

By prioritizing proper form, Derrick can significantly reduce the risk of injury and ensure a safe and effective workout experience.