Which of the following is the difference between a topic and a central idea?(1 point)


A central idea includes supporting details about the topic.
A central idea includes supporting details about the topic.

A central idea is the subject, while the topic is what the writer thinks about the central idea after research.
A central idea is the subject, while the topic is what the writer thinks about the central idea after research.

A topic is the subject, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research.
A topic is the subject, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research.

A topic introduces a central idea.

A topic introduces a central idea.

The difference between a topic and a central idea is that a topic is the subject, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research. In other words, the topic introduces the central idea.

The correct answer is: A topic is the subject, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research.

To understand the difference between a topic and a central idea, you need to remember that a topic is the subject of a piece of writing or discussion. It is a broad, general concept that provides a starting point for exploration.

On the other hand, a central idea is a specific statement or belief that the writer develops about the topic after conducting research or analysis. It captures the main point or the main message that the writer wants to convey. The central idea goes beyond the general topic by offering a unique perspective or argument.

So, while a topic introduces the subject of the writing or discussion, the central idea is the writer's specific viewpoint or interpretation about that topic. It provides a focused and distinct angle on the subject matter.

In summary, the topic is the general subject, while the central idea is a more specific statement or belief about that topic.