What value in American identity is most fundamental to

the U.S. political system?
(1 point)
individual rights
social conformity
national security
freedom from rule

The value in American identity that is most fundamental to the U.S. political system is individual rights.

The value in American identity that is most fundamental to the U.S. political system is individual rights. This value places emphasis on the importance of protecting the freedoms and liberties of each individual citizen. The U.S. political system is built on the principles of limited government and the belief that individuals have inherent rights that cannot be taken away by the government. Individual rights are protected by the U.S. Constitution and its amendments, such as the Bill of Rights, which explicitly outlines certain rights and freedoms guaranteed to American citizens.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the principles outlined in the U.S. Constitution and understand the fundamental values upon which the American political system was founded. Additionally, you can study the history and development of American democracy and examine how these principles have been upheld and protected throughout the country's history.

The value most fundamental to the U.S. political system is individual rights. This value is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and reflected in the Bill of Rights. Individual rights include freedoms such as speech, religion, assembly, and due process, which are crucial for ensuring personal liberty and democracy. Social conformity, national security, and freedom from rule are also important but not as central to the U.S. political system as individual rights.