What value in American identity is most fundamental to the U.S. political system?

A. individual rights
B. social conformity
C. national security
D. freedom from rule

A. Individual rights.

What value in American identity is most fundamental to the U.S. political system?

A. individual rights
B. social conformity
C. national security
D. freedom from rule

Why was the Voting Rights Act of 1965 necessary? Select all that apply.

A. Each citizen must be ruled by the same laws.
B. Each citizen must be able to participate in government.
C. Each citizen must have the protections of the Bill of Rights.
D. Each citizen must have equal voting power in federal elections.
E. Each citizen must complete a test or pay a tax to be registered to vote

B. Each citizen must be able to participate in government.

D. Each citizen must have equal voting power in federal elections.

Which condition enabled the virtual enslavement of Asian Americans in the late 19th century?

A. segregation under the separate but equal doctrine
B. inability to apply the 13th Amendment in certain states
C. distinctions between the rights of citizens and non-citizens
D. refusal of the government to protect Asian Americans from their employers

The value in American identity that is most fundamental to the U.S. political system is individual rights. This value is enshrined in the Constitution and is the cornerstone of the country's democratic principles. Individual rights imply that each person has inherent liberties and freedoms that cannot be infringed upon by the government. It includes rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to a fair trial. This value is considered crucial in the American political system as it promotes a society that respects and protects the rights and freedoms of its citizens.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the principles and values that guide the U.S. political system. Researching the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the writings of influential figures such as Thomas Jefferson and James Madison can provide insights into the importance of individual rights in the American political system. Additionally, examining significant legal cases and historical events related to civil liberties and individual freedoms can further support the conclusion that individual rights are the most fundamental value in American identity.

C. Distinctions between the rights of citizens and non-citizens.