Describe the political strategy used to eliminate discrepancies between Black Americans and American ideals by ratifying the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments.(1 point)


political alliances with party leaders
political alliances with party leaders

litigating laws in the Supreme Court
litigating laws in the Supreme Court

proposing and passing legislation in Congress

launching grassroots campaigns and mobilizing public support
utilizing mass media to highlight injustices and promote the need for reform
engaging in peaceful protests and civil disobedience to bring attention to inequality and discrimination
lobbying and advocating for the rights of Black Americans to political leaders and policymakers
forming alliances and coalitions with other groups advocating for social justice and civil rights
challenging discriminatory laws and practices through legal means, including filing lawsuits and supporting court cases that challenge the constitutionality of such laws

The political strategy used to eliminate discrepancies between Black Americans and American ideals by ratifying the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments involved political alliances with party leaders and litigating laws in the Supreme Court.

1. Political alliances with party leaders: This strategy involved forming alliances and partnerships with influential political leaders who were supportive of the rights of Black Americans. By aligning themselves with these leaders, proponents of equality could leverage their political clout and influence to push for the ratification of the necessary amendments. These alliances helped to mobilize support within the political landscape and put pressure on other lawmakers to support these amendments.

2. Litigating laws in the Supreme Court: Another key strategy was to use the legal system and litigate laws that infringed upon the rights of Black Americans. By taking cases to the Supreme Court, activists and advocates for equality aimed to challenge discriminatory laws and practices that hindered the full participation of Black Americans in society. Through these legal battles, they sought to establish precedents and rulings that would protect the rights and freedoms of Black Americans and ensure that they were not deprived of their citizenship rights.

Overall, these political strategies of forming alliances with party leaders and litigating laws in the Supreme Court were instrumental in advocating for and eventually ratifying the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments. These amendments played a crucial role in eliminating discrepancies between Black Americans and American ideals by abolishing slavery, granting equal protection under the law, and safeguarding voting rights for all citizens, regardless of their race or color.

The political strategy used to eliminate discrepancies between Black Americans and American ideals by ratifying the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments involved a combination of tactics. Two of these tactics were political alliances with party leaders and litigating laws in the Supreme Court.

1. Political alliances with party leaders:
To achieve the goal of eliminating discrepancies, Black Americans formed political alliances with party leaders who were sympathetic to their cause. By aligning themselves with influential politicians, they were able to gain support and influence within the political system. This helped in advocating for the ratification of the amendments and ensuring their effective implementation.

Creating alliances with party leaders allowed Black Americans to have a voice within the political party, fostering collaboration on policy issues, including civil rights. These alliances helped in generating political will and support for ratifying the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, which aimed to abolish slavery, grant equal protection under the law, and secure the right to vote for African Americans.

2. Litigating laws in the Supreme Court:
Another strategy employed was litigating laws in the Supreme Court. After the ratification of these amendments, legal challenges arose as states and individuals sought to circumvent or ignore the new protections granted to Black Americans. To address these challenges and ensure the proper enforcement of the amendments, cases were brought before the Supreme Court.

By utilizing the legal process, civil rights activists and organizations sought legal remedies for instances of discrimination and violations of constitutional rights. This involved arguing cases based on the constitutional principles outlined in the new amendments. Litigation in the Supreme Court provided a platform for challenging discriminatory practices and setting legal precedents that would shape the future of civil rights in the United States.

In summary, the political strategy used to eliminate discrepancies between Black Americans and American ideals through the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments involved forming political alliances with sympathetic party leaders and pursuing legal remedies through the litigation of laws in the Supreme Court. These strategies aimed to secure the rights and equal treatment of Black Americans under the law.