What was Timbuktu’s greatest import?(1 point) Responses metal metal food food books books tourists


Timbuktu's greatest import was books.

To determine Timbuktu's greatest import, one can refer to historical records and scholarly sources. The answer may vary depending on the time period being considered, as Timbuktu's significance and trade patterns have evolved over centuries. Here are the steps to find a credible answer:

1. Consult historical sources: Look for primary sources, local records, or historical accounts from the period when Timbuktu was actively engaged in trade. This could involve checking books, articles, or even academic papers.

2. Analyze trade patterns: Examine the trade routes and markets that Timbuktu was connected to. Explore which products were commonly imported to Timbuktu during its peak periods.

3. Consider economic factors: Take into account the economic activities and resources available in the region surrounding Timbuktu. This might involve looking at the natural resources, industries, or productive sectors that could have influenced trade patterns.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, it would be possible to determine Timbuktu's greatest import during a specific era.