Blake Andrew are playing horseshoes Blake takes the first time and his horseshoe lands 3/4 of the way to the Target Drew takes the next turn and towards you last pass the target which statement best explains the results

The statement that best explains the results is:

Drew threw the horseshoe too hard, causing it to pass the target.

Based on the given information, the statement that best explains the results is:

Drew's horseshoe went past the target because he threw it with more force than Blake did.

Based on the given scenario, the statement that best explains the results is:

Blake's horseshoe landed 3/4 of the way to the target, while Drew's horseshoe went past the target.

To understand this, it is essential to know the objective of the game of horseshoes. The goal is to throw a horseshoe in such a way that it lands closest to a target stake or peg driven into the ground. The closer a horseshoe lands to the target, the better the outcome.

In this case, Blake's horseshoe landed 3/4 (or three-quarters) of the way towards the target. This means that it came close to reaching the target but fell slightly short.

On the other hand, Drew took the next turn and his horseshoe went past the target. This implies that Drew threw his horseshoe too forcefully, causing it to overshoot the target.

Therefore, the best explanation for the results is that Blake had a more accurate throw, getting closer to the target, while Drew's throw was too strong and went beyond the target.