Create a peaceful image depicting a man thoughtfully planning his retirement. The man, of Caucasian descent, should be seen sitting at a desk with various financial papers and a calculator, suggesting the calculation of his average salary and savings. In the background, we can see elements of a comfortable retirement, such as a cosy house, a garden and maybe a rocking chair or a fishing rod. The image should convey a sense of aspiration and responsible planning, but also reveal a sense of confusion or uncertainty, indicating the challenge the man faces in translating his goal into precise terms.

Blake had always wanted to retire in comfort, and after thinking about his long-term goals, he was certain that his average salary would be able to fund his dream. But when it came to figuring out how it translated to dollars and cents, Blake drew a blank. Which question from the SMART goal framework should Blake MOST likely focus on?

-is it specific?
-is it measurable?
-is it achievable?
-is it timely?

The question from the SMART goal framework that Blake should MOST likely focus on is "is it measurable?" This will help him determine how much money he needs to save and how much he needs to earn in order to achieve his retirement goals.

Based on the information provided, the question that Blake should most likely focus on from the SMART goal framework is "is it measurable?".

The reason for this is that Blake mentioned having an average salary that would fund his dream of retiring in comfort. However, he is unsure how it translates to dollars and cents, which indicates a lack of clarity on how much money he needs to save or earn to achieve his goal.

By making his goal measurable, Blake will be able to determine a specific dollar amount he needs to save or earn in order to retire comfortably. This will allow him to track his progress and stay on target towards achieving his goal.

Blake should most likely focus on the question "Is it measurable?" from the SMART goal framework.

To determine if his goal of retiring in comfort is measurable, Blake needs to establish specific criteria that can be used to track his progress towards achieving that goal. In this case, the specific criterion would be the amount of money he would need to retire in comfort.

Blake should start by considering his lifestyle and determining how much money he would need per year to maintain that desired level of comfort in retirement. He should factor in expenses such as housing, healthcare, travel, hobbies, and any other costs associated with his preferred lifestyle.

By quantifying the amount of money required to retire comfortably, Blake can then compare it to his average salary to determine if it is feasible. This process will help him assess whether his goal is measurable and whether his salary is sufficient to fund his dream.

Ultimately, the question "Is it measurable?" will guide Blake in defining specific financial targets and benchmarks to keep track of his progress towards achieving his retirement goal.