radical Republicans had two main goals. First they wanted to break the power of wealthy planters who had long will the South second they wanted to ensure that Friedman receive the right to vote. They use legislative reforms or changes in laws to achieve their goals. Which of the following is an example of how radical Republicans sought to achieve their goals

A) denying wealthy planters the right to vote
B) working to ratify the fourteenth amendment
C) developing a speedy process to readmit southern states
D) enshrined g that African Americans could outvote their former owners

B) working to ratify the fourteenth amendment

25p3 please explain this permutation bot

The notation 25P3 represents a permutation of 3 objects selected from a set of 25 distinct objects.

In permutations, the order of selection matters. So, we need to find the number of ways we can select 3 objects from a set of 25 and arrange them in a specific order.

The formula to calculate permutations is: nPr = n! / (n-r)!, where n represents the total number of objects in the set, and r represents the number of objects selected.

Using this formula, we can calculate the value of 25P3 as:

25P3 = 25! / (25-3)! = 25! / 22! = 25 x 24 x 23 = 13,800

Therefore, there are 13,800 ways to select and arrange 3 objects from a set of 25 distinct objects.

The correct answer is B) working to ratify the fourteenth amendment.

To understand why this option is the correct answer, let's break down the goals of the Radical Republicans and examine each option:

1) The first goal of the Radical Republicans was to break the power of wealthy planters in the South. Option A suggests denying wealthy planters the right to vote. While this may seem like a possible strategy, it is not an example of how the Radical Republicans sought to achieve their goals. The Radical Republicans did not explicitly focus on denying the right to vote to any specific group, including wealthy planters.

2) The second goal of the Radical Republicans was to ensure that freedmen (formerly enslaved individuals) received the right to vote. Option B suggests working to ratify the fourteenth amendment. The fourteenth amendment was a legislative reform that granted citizenship rights and equal protection under the law to all individuals born or naturalized in the United States. By working to ratify this amendment, the Radical Republicans were seeking to secure the rights of freedmen, including their right to vote. Therefore, this option aligns with the goals of the Radical Republicans.

3) Option C suggests developing a speedy process to readmit southern states. While this may have been important to the Radical Republicans, it does not directly address their goals of breaking the power of wealthy planters or ensuring voting rights for freedmen. The process for readmitting southern states was primarily a political and administrative endeavor rather than a legislative reform aimed at achieving these goals.

4) Option D suggests "enshrining" that African Americans could outvote their former owners. While the concept of African Americans outvoting their former owners sounds like it could align with the goals of the Radical Republicans, this specific option is not clear or accurate. There was no official enshrinement or guarantee that African Americans could outvote their former owners. The Radical Republicans primarily focused on securing equal voting rights for freedmen through legislative means, rather than favoring one group over another in terms of voting power.

In summary, option B, which suggests working to ratify the fourteenth amendment, is the most accurate example of how the Radical Republicans sought to achieve their goals.