1. Which of the following was one of the Radical Republicans' main goals for Reconstruction?

a. Radical Republicans wanted to give power back to the wealthy planters in the SOuth
b. Radical Republicans wanted to ensure that the Fourteenth Amendment did not pass
c. Radical Republicans wanted to keep President Johnson in office
d. Radical Republicans wanted to guarantee freedmen were given the right to vote

d. Radical Republicans wanted to guarantee freedmen were given the right to vote.

To find the answer to this question, we need to understand the main goals of the Radical Republicans during the Reconstruction era. Reconstruction refers to the period following the American Civil War (1861-1865) when efforts were made to rebuild and reshape the South. The Radical Republicans were a faction within the Republican Party who staunchly opposed slavery and sought to bring about significant changes in the South after the war.

Now, let's consider each option and determine which one aligns with the Radical Republicans' main goals:

a. Radical Republicans wanted to give power back to the wealthy planters in the South.
This option contradicts the goals of the Radical Republicans. They sought to dismantle the power structure that had supported slavery before the war, which included wealthy planters who owned large plantations. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

b. Radical Republicans wanted to ensure that the Fourteenth Amendment did not pass.
This option is also incorrect. The Radical Republicans were actually strong proponents of the Fourteenth Amendment, which granted citizenship and equal protection under the law to all individuals born or naturalized in the United States, including African Americans. They viewed this amendment as crucial for protecting the rights of freedmen.

c. Radical Republicans wanted to keep President Johnson in office.
President Johnson, who became president after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, was opposed to the Radical Republicans' agenda. They clashed frequently with Johnson over their differing visions for Reconstruction. Therefore, this option is incorrect as well.

d. Radical Republicans wanted to guarantee freedmen were given the right to vote.
This option aligns with the Radical Republicans' main goals. One of their primary objectives was to secure the rights of newly freed African Americans, including the right to vote. They firmly believed that granting freedmen the right to vote would help empower them politically and advance the cause of equality. Therefore, this is the correct answer.

In conclusion, the correct answer is d. Radical Republicans wanted to guarantee freedmen were given the right to vote.

The correct answer is d. Radical Republicans wanted to guarantee freedmen were given the right to vote.