Ben and Peter are playing horseshoes. Ben takes the first turn, and his horseshoe lands three-fourths of the way to the target. Peter takes the next turn, and his horseshoe lands past the target. Which statement best explains the results?(1 point)


Peter used a horseshoe with more mass and threw with the same force as Ben.
Peter used a horseshoe with more mass and threw with the same force as Ben.

Peter used a horseshoe with more mass and threw with less force than Ben.
Peter used a horseshoe with more mass and threw with less force than Ben.

The horseshoes have the same mass, but Peter threw with more force than Peter.
The horseshoes have the same mass, but Peter threw with more force than Peter.

The horseshoes have the same mass, but Peter threw with less force than Ben.
The horseshoes have the same mass, but Peter threw with less force than Ben.
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The correct answer is: Peter used a horseshoe with more mass and threw with less force than Ben.

The statement that best explains the results is: "The horseshoes have the same mass, but Peter threw with more force than Ben."

The correct statement that best explains the results is:

The horseshoes have the same mass, but Peter threw with more force than Ben.

To determine why Peter's horseshoe landed past the target while Ben's landed three-fourths of the way to the target, we need to consider the factors that affect the motion of a thrown object. One key factor is the force applied.

Given that the horseshoes have the same mass, the only remaining variable is the force applied by Ben and Peter. Since Ben's horseshoe landed three-fourths of the way to the target, we can infer that he applied a certain amount of force, but it was not enough to reach the target.

On the other hand, Peter's horseshoe landed past the target, indicating that he applied more force than Ben. The extra force allowed Peter's horseshoe to travel farther and overshoot the target. Thus, the statement "The horseshoes have the same mass, but Peter threw with more force than Ben." best explains the results.