This article is mainly about _________.

A.the history of our relatives, the ancient hominids
B.the history of extinct humans, the Neanderthals
C.a disagreement about the use of jaws for chewing
D.a small bone that has puzzled scientists for years

D.a small bone that has puzzled scientists for years

To determine the main topic of the article, we can look at the given options. Option A states that the article is mainly about the history of our relatives, the ancient hominids. Option B suggests it is about the history of extinct humans, the Neanderthals. Option C indicates a disagreement about the use of jaws for chewing, and Option D mentions a small bone that has puzzled scientists for years.

Without further context, it is difficult to determine the exact answer. However, based on the provided information, the most likely option for the main topic of the article is option D: a small bone that has puzzled scientists for years.

To determine the main topic of the article, you can employ several strategies:

1. Read the title and introduction: Start by examining the title and the introductory paragraphs of the article. These sections often provide a concise summary or provide clues about the main subject matter.

2. Skim the headings and subheadings: Look for headings and subheadings throughout the article. These help organize the content and provide an outline of the main topics that will be covered.

3. Scan the opening and closing sentences of each paragraph: The opening and closing sentences of paragraphs often convey the main idea or topic discussed within that paragraph, allowing for a quick understanding of the article's focus.

4. Pay attention to repetition: Note any repetitive keywords or phrases used throughout the article. This may indicate the recurring theme and central topic.

By utilizing these strategies, you will have a better understanding of the article's content and be able to identify the main topic.