Which of the following is an example of a primary source?(1 point)

a history textbook
a history textbook

an encyclopedia article
an encyclopedia article

an eyewitness interview
an eyewitness interview

a biography of a historical figure
a biography of a historical figure

an eyewitness interview

The example of a primary source among the options provided is an eyewitness interview.

The correct answer is "an eyewitness interview." To determine which option is an example of a primary source, we need to understand what a primary source is. A primary source is a firsthand account or original document that provides direct evidence or information about a specific event or topic.

Let's go through each option and determine if it fits the criteria:

- "A history textbook": A history textbook is a secondary source because it compiles and summarizes information from various primary and secondary sources. It is not a firsthand account or original document.
- "An encyclopedia article": Similar to a history textbook, an encyclopedia article is a secondary source that gathers information from various sources and presents it in an organized manner. It is not a firsthand account or original document.
- "An eyewitness interview": An eyewitness interview involves directly speaking to someone who experienced a particular event or has firsthand knowledge about it. This qualifies as a primary source because the information is directly from someone who was present during the event.
- "A biography of a historical figure": A biography is typically a secondary source since it relies on various primary sources, such as letters, diaries, and interviews, to construct the life and events of a historical figure. While some primary sources may be used in the creation of a biography, the biography itself is not a primary source.

Therefore, the correct answer is "an eyewitness interview" as it is an example of a primary source.