Which would be an example of a primary source?

A. biography
B. dairy
C. online encyclopedia
D. textbook

B. diary

B. diary

A diary is considered a primary source because it is a firsthand account of personal experiences and events. It provides direct evidence or information about a specific time period, individual, or event.

To determine which option is a primary source, it is necessary to understand what primary sources are.

Primary sources are original documents or materials that provide firsthand evidence or direct information about a topic, event, or time period. These sources are created by people who directly experienced or witnessed the subject matter.

Therefore, the option that best fits the definition of a primary source in this question is "B. diary." A diary is a personal account written by an individual who directly experienced or witnessed the events they are documenting. It provides firsthand evidence and insights into the author's thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

To further analyze the other options:

A. biography: Although biographies can provide valuable information about historical figures or events, they are considered secondary sources. Biographies are written by authors who have conducted research about someone's life and therefore interpret and analyze the primary sources available.

C. online encyclopedia: Online encyclopedias, such as Wikipedia, are generally considered tertiary sources. They compile information from various primary and secondary sources but do not provide firsthand or original information.

D. textbook: Textbooks are typically secondary sources. They summarize and analyze information from various primary and secondary sources to provide a comprehensive overview of a topic.

So, in this case, the answer would be "B. diary" as it represents a primary source.