Read the passage about Evan.

Evan has a black car, and it gets very hot inside the car on a hot summer day. Evan wants to cool his car down as quickly as possible so he can be cool on his drive home from school.
How could Evan position his air conditioner vents to best cool down his car?
up because convection causes cold air to sink and hot air to rise

up because conduction causes cold air to sink and hot air to rise

down because convection causes cold air to rise and hot air to sink

down because conduction causes cold air to rise and hot air to sink


down because conduction causes cold air to rise and hot air to sink

The correct answer is C. Evan should position his air conditioner vents down because convection causes cold air to rise and hot air to sink. By directing the cool air downwards, it will displace the hot air and help to cool down the car more effectively.

To determine the best way for Evan to position his air conditioner vents to cool down his car, we need to understand the concepts of convection and conduction. Convection refers to the transfer of heat through the movement of a fluid or gas, while conduction refers to the transfer of heat through direct contact.

In this case, Evan wants to cool down his car as quickly as possible. Based on our understanding of convection, we know that cold air tends to sink while hot air rises. So, if Evan positions his air conditioner vents to the upward direction, the cold air produced by the system will sink, creating a downward flow of cold air and pushing the hot air in the car upwards.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

A) Up because convection causes cold air to sink and hot air to rise.

By positioning his air conditioner vents upward, Evan will effectively cool down his car by maximizing the circulation of cold air and pushing the hot air out.