Evan and Dorinda make bracelets for a craft fair.

Evan makes 10 bracelets the first day and 8 bracelets each day after that.
Dorinda makes 8 bracelets the first day and 8 bracelets each day after that.
If they make bracelets for 6 days, how many bracelets will they make in all?
Enter your answer in the box.

Evan will make 8 bracelets every day for (6-1)=<<6-1=5>>5 days.

So Evan will make 5*8 = <<5*8=40>>40 bracelets.
Dorinda will make 8 bracelets every day for 6 days.
So Dorinda will make 8*6 = <<8*6=48>>48 bracelets.
Thus, they will make 48+40 = <<48+40=88>>88 bracelets. Answer: \boxed{88}.