Tatiana wants to give friendship bracelets to her 32 classmates. She already has 5 bracelets, and she can buy more bracelets in packages of 4. Write an inequality to determine the number of packages, p, Tatiana could buy to have enough bracelets.

5 + 4p ≥ 32


To determine the number of packages Tatiana could buy to have enough bracelets, we need to first calculate the total number of bracelets needed.

Tatiana wants to give friendship bracelets to her 32 classmates, and she already has 5 bracelets. So the total number of bracelets needed will be 32 - 5 = 27 bracelets.

Each package contains 4 bracelets. So, to get the minimum number of packages required, we need to find the ceiling value of the division between the total number of bracelets needed and the number of bracelets in each package.

Let p represent the number of packages. We can write the inequality as:

4p ≥ 27

This inequality states that the product of the number of packages (p) and the number of bracelets in each package (4) must be greater than or equal to the total number of bracelets needed (27).

5 + 4p >= 32