What is ^3√54 simplified?

Note: You will find the option to add a cubic root symbol in the Algebra ( ×
) keyboard.

The cube root of 54 can be simplified as follows:

^3√54 = ^3√(27 × 2)

Since 27 is a perfect cube, we can simplify further:

^3√(27 × 2) = 3 × ^3√2

Therefore, the simplified form of ^3√54 is 3 × ^3√2.

To simplify ^3√54, we need to find the cube root of 54.

The cube root of a number is a value that, when multiplied by itself three times, equals the original number.

To find the cube root, we can use prime factorization.

First, let's prime factorize 54:
54 = 2 × 3 × 3 × 3

Next, we group the factors in sets of 3:
54 = (2 × 3) × (3 × 3)

Finally, we simplify each group:
54 = 6 × 9

Now, we can rewrite 54 as the cube root of 6 times the cube root of 9:
^3√54 = ^3√(6 × 9)

Since the cube root of 6 is not a perfect cube, we leave it as it is:
^3√54 = ^3√6 × ^3√9

Therefore, the simplified form of ^3√54 is ^3√6 × ^3√9.

To simplify the expression ^3√54, we need to find the cube root of 54.

Here's how you can find the cube root using a scientific calculator:

1. Enter "54" on your calculator.
2. Look for the button or function that calculates the cube root. It is usually represented as "∛" or "^3√".
3. Press the cube root button or function. Your calculator will display the cube root of 54.

Using this method, you can find that the cube root of 54 is approximately 3.77976.

Therefore, ^3√54 simplified is approximately 3.77976.