Which of the following design principles is evident

on this dish?
(1 point)
O texture and harmony
• asymmetrical balance and pattern
O radial balance and pattern
• symmetrical balance and harmony

• symmetrical balance and harmony

Based on the given options, the design principle that is evident on this dish is asymmetrical balance and pattern.

To determine which design principle is evident on the dish, you need to analyze its elements and composition. Here's how you can assess each option:

1. Texture and harmony: Look for tactile qualities or visual patterns on the dish's surface. Evaluate if there's a sense of unity and cohesion within the design.

2. Asymmetrical balance and pattern: Identify if the dish has an uneven distribution of visual elements, yet still maintains a balance overall. Pay attention to any repeating or contrasting patterns.

3. Radial balance and pattern: Check if the dish's elements are radiating outwards from a central point. Look for circular or spiraling patterns that create a harmonious arrangement.

4. Symmetrical balance and harmony: Assess if the dish has a mirror-like composition, with equal visual weight on either side. Look for bilateral symmetry or repetitive elements that convey a sense of balance.

By visually examining the dish and considering these design principles, you can determine which one is evident.