Which of the following design principles is evident on this dish?

(1 point)

texture and harmony
texture and harmony

asymmetrical balance and pattern
asymmetrical balance and pattern

radial balance and pattern
radial balance and pattern

symmetrical balance and harmony
symmetrical balance and harmony

1. C. radial balance and pattern

2. D. movement
3. B. harmony
4. A. placing boats on both sides of the image

Connections Academy Art Q3, Lesson 2 The Principles of Design quick check.

Without a specific dish provided, it is not possible to determine which design principle is evident.

Given the options provided, the correct answers are:

1. C. radial balance and pattern
Radial balance refers to a design that radiates from a central point, and pattern refers to the repetition of elements. Based on this, if the dish has a central focal point and elements that repeat in a pattern, it would exhibit radial balance and pattern.

2. D. movement
Movement refers to the sense of motion or flow within a design. Without more specific information about the dish, it is not possible to determine if movement is evident.

3. B. harmony
Harmony is the principle of design that involves the arrangement of elements to create a sense of unity or compatibility. This could be achieved through color, shape, texture, or other design elements. Without more specific information about the dish, it is not possible to determine if harmony is evident.

4. A. placing boats on both sides of the image
This option seems to refer to a specific composition or arrangement of elements in an image, rather than a design principle. Without more information, it is not possible to determine if this arrangement is evident in the dish.

anonymous is correct! 100%

Based on the given options, the design principle that is evident on this dish is: symmetrical balance and harmony.

To determine which design principle is evident on a dish, you would need to closely examine the dish itself. Design principles, such as texture, harmony, balance, and pattern, can be observed by looking at the elements and arrangement of the dish. Here's how you can analyze the dish to identify the design principle:

1. Texture: Look for variations in the surface of the dish. Check if there are any uneven or raised areas, or if there are different textures, such as rough, smooth, or glossy.

2. Harmony: Assess whether there is a sense of unity and coherence in the design of the dish. Consider if the elements work together in a pleasing and balanced manner.

3. Balance: Determine if the elements on the dish are symmetrically or asymmetrically arranged. Look for a sense of visual equilibrium and stability.

4. Pattern: Observe if there are any repeating motifs or designs on the dish. Patterns can be characterized by the regular repetition of shapes, colors, or textures.

Based on the provided options, if you cannot physically examine the dish, it is not possible to determine which design principle is evident.