Which of the following design principles is evident on this dish?

• texture and harmony
• asymmetrical balance and pattern
• radial balance and pattern
• symmetrical balance and harmony

no dish

To identify which design principle is evident on a dish, we would need visual references or a description of the dish. Please provide more information or a visual representation of the dish so I can assist you further.

To determine which design principle is evident on a dish, you'll need to carefully observe its features and characteristics. Let's break down each of the given design principles to analyze which one is present on the dish:

1. Texture and harmony: Texture refers to the surface quality of an object, while harmony means the combination of different elements to create a pleasing overall effect. Look for variations in the dish's surface, such as rough, smooth, or glossy textures, and observe how they work together to create a cohesive and balanced outcome.

2. Asymmetrical balance and pattern: Asymmetrical balance refers to the distribution of different elements in a way that does not create a mirror image. Pattern refers to the repetition of visual elements. Inspect the dish for any patterns that do not have an equal distribution on each side of a central axis. If irregular patterns are present, accompanied by an overall sense of balance, then this design principle might be evident.

3. Radial balance and pattern: Radial balance is achieved when elements radiate from a central point, similar to the spokes of a bicycle wheel. Analyze if the dish has a central focal point from which design elements extend outward in a symmetrical arrangement, resembling a radial pattern.

4. Symmetrical balance and harmony: Symmetrical balance occurs when visual elements are distributed equally on each side of a central axis, creating a mirror image. Harmony, as mentioned earlier, refers to the pleasing arrangement of different elements. Evaluate if the dish has a central axis and demonstrates a mirroring effect on either side while maintaining a sense of visual harmony.

Based on your description, it is not possible to determine the design principle that is evident on the dish without a visual representation. I recommend closely observing and analyzing the dish yourself, using the definitions of each design principle provided to make an informed decision.