What are some of the academic-related functions that a university student would typically need ICT Proficiency for? Select all the options that apply:

choose the correct answer

Using social media to contribute to a study group. 

Creating presentations and spreadsheets.

Participating in online quizzes and assessments.  

Searching for information on the internet.  

Typing up assignments

Using social media to contribute to a study group.

Creating presentations and spreadsheets.
Participating in online quizzes and assessments.
Searching for information on the internet.
Typing up assignments.

The academic-related functions that a university student would typically need ICT proficiency for include:

- Creating presentations and spreadsheets.
- Participating in online quizzes and assessments.
- Searching for information on the internet.
- Typing up assignments.

To determine the academic-related functions that require ICT proficiency for a university student, let's go through each option one by one:

1. Using social media to contribute to a study group: This option requires ICT proficiency as students need to know how to navigate social media platforms, create or join study group communities, and effectively communicate and share resources with fellow group members.

2. Creating presentations and spreadsheets: ICT proficiency is necessary for creating presentations using software like Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides and creating spreadsheets using software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

3. Participating in online quizzes and assessments: ICT proficiency is essential for students to take online quizzes and assessments. This includes knowledge of how to access and navigate the online learning platform, submit answers, and understand the functionality of the assessment tools.

4. Searching for information on the internet: ICT proficiency is required to effectively search for information on the internet. Students should be familiar with search engines, using appropriate keywords, and evaluating the credibility and reliability of online sources.

5. Typing up assignments: ICT proficiency is necessary for students to type up their assignments. This includes knowledge of word processing software like Microsoft Word or Google Docs, formatting documents, and using features such as spell check and word count.

Based on these explanations, the options that apply for the academic-related functions requiring ICT proficiency are:

- Using social media to contribute to a study group.
- Creating presentations and spreadsheets.
- Participating in online quizzes and assessments.
- Searching for information on the internet.
- Typing up assignments.

Therefore, all the options listed apply.