Identify the sentence pattern used in the sentence.

The breezes there feel so crisp and fresh.
(1 point)
subject–verb–predicate nominative
subject–verb–predicate adjective



The sentence pattern used in the sentence "The breezes there feel so crisp and fresh" is subject-verb.

To identify the sentence pattern used in the given sentence, we first need to understand the roles of the different elements of the sentence. Here's a breakdown:

- "The breezes there" is the subject of the sentence.
- "feel" is the verb.
- "so crisp and fresh" is a noun phrase that modifies the subject "The breezes there."

Now let's look at the options provided:

1. Subject-verb: This pattern refers to a sentence that consists of a subject and a verb.
2. Subject-verb-predicate nominative: This pattern refers to a sentence where the subject is linked to a noun or pronoun that renames or identifies it.
3. Subject-verb-predicate adjective: This pattern refers to a sentence where the subject is linked to an adjective that describes or modifies it.

Based on the above analysis, the sentence pattern used in the given sentence is "subject–verb–predicate adjective" because the subject "The breezes there" is linked to the adjective phrase "so crisp and fresh," which describes or modifies it.

So, the correct answer is "subject–verb–predicate adjective."