Identify the sentence pattern:

What does total consecration to God mean?



The sentence pattern of "What does total consecration to God mean?" is a question pattern.

To identify the sentence pattern, we need to break down the sentence and identify the different parts of speech and their roles. Here's the breakdown:

"What does total consecration to God mean?"

1. "What" - interrogative pronoun used to ask about the definition or meaning.
2. "does" - auxiliary verb used to form the present tense of the verb "mean."
3. "total consecration" - noun phrase representing the concept being asked about.
4. "to God" - prepositional phrase indicating whom the consecration is directed towards.
5. "mean" - main verb of the sentence.

Based on this breakdown, the sentence pattern is:

Interrogative pronoun (subject) + auxiliary verb + noun phrase + prepositional phrase + main verb.

By analyzing the sentence in this way, we can better understand its structure and identify the elements that make up the sentence pattern.