
Identify the sentence pattern used in the sentence.
My subject was my uncle's farm in Colorado.
(1 point)

subject–verb–predicate nominative
subject–verb–predicate adjective

The sentence pattern used in the sentence "My subject was my uncle's farm in Colorado" is subject–verb–predicate nominative.

The sentence pattern used in the sentence "My subject was my uncle's farm in Colorado" is subject-verb-predicate nominative.

To identify the sentence pattern used in the given sentence, we need to understand the components of a sentence.

A subject is the main noun or pronoun in a sentence that performs the action or is being described. In this sentence, "My subject" refers to the person or thing that the sentence is about.

A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being. In this sentence, "was" is the verb that shows a state of being.

A predicate nominative is a noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames or identifies the subject. In this sentence, "my uncle's farm" is the noun phrase that renames the subject "My subject."

A predicate adjective, on the other hand, follows a linking verb and describes or modifies the subject. However, there is no adjective in the given sentence.

Therefore, the sentence pattern used in the sentence "My subject was my uncle's farm in Colorado" is subject–verb–predicate nominative.