
In the picture, what are the action and reaction forces?

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Gravity pulls the book down.
Gravity pulls the book down.

Gravity pushes the book up.
Gravity pushes the book up.

Gravity pulls down and friction pushes up.
Gravity pulls down and friction pushes up.

The book pushes down on the table and the table pushes up on the book.
The book pushes down on the table and the table pushes up on the book.
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The correct answer is: The book pushes down on the table and the table pushes up on the book.

The correct answer is:

The book pushes down on the table and the table pushes up on the book.

To identify the action and reaction forces in the given picture, we need to understand Newton's third law of motion. According to this law, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

In this case, the action force is the force exerted by the book on the table, and the reaction force is the force exerted by the table on the book. These forces are in opposite directions but have the same magnitude.

Therefore, the correct answer is: The book pushes down on the table, and the table pushes up on the book.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the picture and understand how objects interact with each other. By observing that the book is resting on the table, you can conclude that the book is exerting a downward force on the table due to its weight. In response to this force, the table exerts an equal and opposite force in the upward direction to support the book.

Keep in mind that gravity is not necessarily an action and reaction force pair in this scenario, as it is simply a force that pulls objects toward the center of the Earth. The action and reaction forces refer specifically to the interaction between the book and the table.