A whale swims 200 miles in 5 days. Identify which equation could be used to find how many miles it swims in 16 days.(1 point)


200 equals 16 x

y equals 200 times 16 times 5

y equals 40 times 16


y equals 200 times 16

The equation that can be used to find how many miles the whale swims in 16 days is:

y = 200 × 16

The equation that could be used to find how many miles the whale swims in 16 days is:

y = 200 × 16

To find the number of miles the whale swims in 16 days, we need to multiply the distance it swims in one day (which is 200 miles) by the number of days (which is 16).

Therefore, the equation y = 200 × 16 represents this calculation, where y represents the total number of miles the whale swims in 16 days.