Which of the following is a stated purpose of the United States government under the Constitution? Choose 2

ப acquire new territories
promote the general welfare
represent all citizens equally
generate wealth for businesses
provide for the common defense

promote the general welfare

provide for the common defense

The two stated purposes of the United States government under the Constitution are:

1. Promote the general welfare: This means that the government is tasked with creating policies and programs that aim to improve the overall well-being and quality of life for its citizens. This can include initiatives related to education, healthcare, social security, and other public services.

2. Provide for the common defense: This pertains to the government's responsibility to protect the nation and its citizens from external threats. It involves maintaining a strong military, ensuring national security, and defending the country against potential attacks or aggression.

To determine which of the options are stated purposes of the United States government under the Constitution, we can refer to the text of the Constitution itself. The stated purposes or goals of the government can be found in the Preamble of the Constitution.

The Preamble reads as follows:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Based on this text, we can conclude that two of the stated purposes of the United States government under the Constitution are:

1. Promote the general welfare: This phrase indicates that the government is tasked with taking actions and enacting policies that improve the well-being and quality of life for its citizens as a whole.

2. Provide for the common defense: This phrase emphasizes the responsibility of the government to protect the nation and its citizens from external threats, ensuring the security and defense of the country.

Therefore, the correct choices are:

- Promote the general welfare
- Provide for the common defense