customers have the right to truthfull messaging in all advertising campaigns that is also free form:



creative language

morrally objectional messages

which one

The correct option is: morally objectionable messages

Based on the options you provided, the correct answer is "Morally objectionable messages."

Among the options you provided, the one that best relates to customers' right to truthfully messaging in all advertising campaigns that are also free from morally objectional messages is "creative language."

Explanation of how to arrive at the answer:

1. Stakeholders: Stakeholders refer to individuals or groups that have an interest or concern in a particular organization. While stakeholders may have expectations regarding truthful messaging, this term does not specifically address the right to truthful messaging in advertising campaigns.

2. Consumerism: Consumerism is the promotion and protection of the rights and interests of consumers. While consumerism advocates for customer rights, it does not directly address truthfulness in advertising campaigns or freedom from morally objectionable messages.

3. Creative language: Creative language in advertising refers to the use of innovative and persuasive techniques to communicate messages. While creative language can be effective in attracting consumers' attention, it must still adhere to principles of truthfulness and avoid morally objectionable messages.

4. Morally objectionable messages: Morally objectionable messages are advertisements that might offend certain individuals or groups due to ethical or moral concerns. While customers have the right to be protected from such messages, this option does not address the need for truthful messaging.

Therefore, the most appropriate option is "creative language" since customers have the right to expect advertisements that are both creative and truthful, while also free from morally objectionable messages.