A(n) _______ is slightly easier to market because customers can easily see what they're getting before buying.

A idea
B advertising plan
C service
D product

D product

Is this right

Yes, that is correct. A product is easier to market because customers can visually see and understand what they are buying before making a purchase.

So product is right

Yes, "product" is the correct answer.

The correct answer is D) product.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze each option and determine which one fits the given statement.

A) Idea: While ideas can be marketed, they are typically intangible and abstract. Customers cannot physically see or touch an idea before buying it, making it not the best fit for this statement.

B) Advertising plan: An advertising plan is a strategy that outlines how to promote a product or service. It is not a tangible item that customers can see or touch, so it is not the correct answer in this case.

C) Service: While services can be marketed, they are generally intangible and involve tasks or actions performed by individuals or companies. Customers cannot physically see or touch a service before purchasing it, making it a less fitting answer for the statement.

D) Product: A product is a tangible item that customers can physically see, touch, and evaluate before making a purchase. Examples of products include physical goods such as electronics, clothing, or food items. Since customers can easily see what they are getting before buying a product, it is the most appropriate answer in this scenario.

Therefore, the correct answer is D) product.