Which group was never allowed in the Georgia colony?

(1 point)
• Jews
• Catholics
O Salzburgers
• Malcontents

Jews and Catholics were never allowed in the Georgia colony.

The group that was never allowed in the Georgia colony was the Jews.

The group that was never allowed in the Georgia colony was the Jews.

To find this answer, we can examine the historical context of the Georgia colony. The Georgia colony was founded in 1732 by James Oglethorpe as a place for debtors and the "worthy poor" to have a fresh start. However, Oglethorpe had certain restrictions on who could settle in the colony.

One of these restrictions was against allowing Jews to settle in the Georgia colony. Oglethorpe's reasoning for excluding Jews was primarily economic. He believed that Jewish merchants would compete with the already established English merchants in the southern colonies.

Furthermore, Oglethorpe felt that Jews had a different set of customs and beliefs that would clash with the desired unity and harmony he sought to create in the Georgia colony. Therefore, Jews were not allowed to settle in the Georgia colony during its early years.

It is important to note that this restriction on Jews was eventually lifted. In 1742, after facing pressure from Jewish philanthropist Benjamin Franklin, Oglethorpe lifted the ban and allowed Jews to settle in the Georgia colony.