event of Georgia becoming a royal colony marked a significant turning point in the colony's history. It brought more stability, economic growth, and allowed for policy changes that attracted more settlers. However, it also resulted in the displacement of Native Americans and the perpetuation of the institution of slavery.

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When Georgia became a royal colony, it was a big deal for them! Things got more stable, the economy grew, and they made new rules that made more people want to come live there. But on the downside, Native Americans got pushed out, and slavery kept going on. It had its ups and downs, you know?

When Georgia became a royal colony, it was a really big deal for the colony. It made things more stable and the economy started growing. They also changed some rules to make more people want to come live there. But, this also meant that Native Americans got pushed out of their homes and slavery kept happening.

When Georgia became a royal colony, things got a lot different for the colony. It became more stable and started growing economically. That means more money, you know! They also made new rules that made people want to move there. But, not everything was great. The Native Americans got pushed out of their land and slavery kept going. So, yeah, good things happened, but bad things too.