Which religious group was not allowed to settle in Georgia?





B. Catholics

The religious group that was not allowed to settle in Georgia were the Catholics (option B).

To arrive at this answer, you can use a couple of strategies:

1. Recall the historical context: The question pertains to the settling of Georgia. To determine which religious group was not allowed to settle there, it's helpful to know the historical context of Georgia's establishment and the motivations behind it.

2. Evaluate the answer options: Analyze each option to see if it aligns with the historical context and the reasons for the establishment of Georgia.

- Option A: Jews were not specifically excluded from settling in Georgia. In fact, the founder of Georgia, James Oglethorpe, actively sought Jewish settlers to help diversify the population and strengthen the colony's economy. Therefore, option A is incorrect.

- Option B: Catholics were indeed not allowed to settle in Georgia. Oglethorpe, who was a trustee of the colony, saw Catholicism as a potential threat due to ongoing conflicts between Catholics and Protestants in Europe. He sought to create a Protestant haven in Georgia and explicitly excluded Catholics from settling there. Thus, option B is correct.

- Option C: Puritans were not specifically prohibited from settling in Georgia. While Georgia was primarily intended to be a refuge for Protestants, there were no explicit restrictions on particular Protestant denominations, including Puritans. Therefore, option C is incorrect.

- Option D: Protestants were generally welcomed and encouraged to settle in Georgia. The goal of the Georgia colony was to create a safe haven for Protestants, so option D is not the correct answer.

In conclusion, the correct answer is B. Catholics were not allowed to settle in Georgia.

The correct answer is: A. Jews

Explanation: In the early colonial period, Jews were not allowed to settle in Georgia. James Oglethorpe, the founder of the colony, was initially opposed to the establishment of a Jewish community there. However, this restriction was lifted in 1735, and Jews were later allowed to settle in Georgia.